It's currently 85 degrees in sunny, beautiful Massachusetts; a group of kids are laughing and playing in the sprinklers just outside my office window, and the sun hasn't set before 8PM in weeks. This can only mean one thing…it's officially summer in New England!
We hope you take some time over the next few weeks to not only relax and recharge, but to get some critical personal development in while business is on the slower side. One of my favorite summer activities is a trip to our favorite beach on the Cape, and everyone knows that you can't head to the beach without a book or two! As such, the Noble Ark team has curated a list of our team’s favorite business beach reads for consideration on your own summer outings.
1. The Gap And The Gain by Dan Sullivan: This quick read dives into serial Entrepreneur Dan Sullivan's simple yet profound teachings - the idea that unsuccessful people focus on "The GAP" (where they are vs where they want to be) whereas successful people focus on "The GAIN" (where they are vs. where they started).
2. Who not How by Dan Sullivan: Another home run from Dan Sullivan, Who Not How explains how successful people become so efficient. He argues that entrepreneurs should not worry about how to solve a problem themselves, but instead should focus on finding the right person to solve it for them. A masterclass in time management and delegating, this is a must read.
3. Love + Work by Marcus Buckingham: World-renown researcher and NYT Bestselling Author Marcus Buckingham helps us discover where and how we preform our best - both at work and in life. In this eye-opening, uplifting book, Buckingham teaches readers how to freak free from the idea that you have to "do what you love" all the time, in order to love what you do. We highly recommend this book for anyone struggling with creating a manageable work/life balance.
4. Renegades Write The Rules By Amy Jo Martin: Many books teach the mechanics of using social media to compete in business, but few reveal the sometimes counterintuitive rules of creating true value that is unique to the social space. In this quick read, Amy Jo Martin shares her invaluable insight into this value-creation process and teaches readers the basics on how to become renegades in their own industries.
5. The Partnership by Charles D. Ellis: This fascinating expose on the making of Goldman Sachs gives readers the inside story on one of the world's most powerful financial institution. Charles D. Ellis, who worked as a strategy consultant to Goldman Sachs for more than thirty years, reveals the secrets behind the firm's continued success through many life-threatening changes. A lesson in perseverance, leadership, and hard work, this inspiring read is sure to be a great addition to your library.
Other notable mentions include The Clarity Cleanse by Habib Sadeghi, Conscious Capitalism by John Mackey, Training the Mind, Healing The Body by David Simon, and of course, my own book, The Road to AUM: Driving Assets Under Management Through Effective Marketing & Sales - The Second Edition. This edition features key updates based on pivotal shifts in the marketing and sales industry and provides access to invaluable tools and frameworks designed for easy implementation.